The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles Timeline

(MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD. See end for notes.)

Asougi Genshin and his son, Kazuma. circa 1882

Mikotoba Ayame passes away after giving birth to Susato
• With much persuading, Mikotoba Yuujin joins Asougi Genshin and Jigoku Seishirou to study abroad in England.
• Asougi, Jigoku, and Mikotoba arrive in London as the first judicial students from Japan

✦ November
• The Professor killings start.

✦ May 31
Klimt van Zieks killed by Asougi Genshin in a duel after Genshin confronts him of being the true Professor (By this time, the Professor has been active for 6 months, claiming 4 victims, all of aristocracy)
✦ June
Barok and Genshin are ambushed by a gang of masked men. Genshin's ring is stolen.
• Autopsy of Klimt van Zieks (conducted by Dr. John H. Watson, results penned by Mikotoba Yuujin. Mikotoba as primary assistant and Courtney Stevens as secondary assistant) - Genshin's ring is "found" in Klimt's stomach, cementing Genshin's fate
• Asougi Genshin accused and found guilty of being the Professor
Hart Vortex/Mael Stronghart and Asougi strike a deal in secret to ensure that he survives and returns to Japan
✦ June 17
• The Professor scheduled hanging at the gallows at midnight
• Genshin shot and killed in the grave he rose from
Enoch Drebber witnesses Asougi rising from then promptly dying in his grave from a gunshot to the chest. An article written about his account that disclosed his name causes him to be shunned by society
Lady Baskerville passes away after giving birth to Iris. Mikotoba returns to 221B with the newborn.
Barclay Prison Chief Warder Daley Vigil blamed for the attempted escape of the Professor and is dismissed, causing such despair in him, moving him to jump out from the window of Harry Barricade/Barry Caiden's office (located at the top of the watchtower). He survives the fall and loses memories of this.

✦ July
• Jigoku and Mikotoba leave England to return to Japan. Mikotoba leaves Iris in Sherlock Holmes/Herlock Sholmes’ care.

✦ Autumn
• Susato, age 6, meets her father for the first time
"Ten years grandmother took me to the railway station. We were there to meet my father from the train. For was the first time I'd ever seen him." (Mikotoba Susato, end of Case 2-4)

• Mikotoba Yuujin breaks the news of the death of Asougi Genshin to Asougi Kazuma
• Kazuma learns of his father’s alleged crimes via a letter from one of the Professor’s victim’s family. Kazuma, not believing this, vows to prove his father's innocence through law.
"[...]one day, [Kazuma] came to my office at the university and said: "I've decided...I want to travel to Great Britain and study there!"" —Mikotoba Yuujin (Case 2-4)
• An year after the letter from England, Kazuma’s mother succumbs to her grief
• Kazuma adopted by Mikotoba Yuujin
• Birth of The Reaper
(I'm not sure where to definitively place this)

• Barok van Zieks withdraws from the courts

• John H. Watson/Wilson invited as a professor at Imperial Yuumei University by the recommendation of Professor Mikotoba

• Iris steals Klimt van Zieks' autopsy report to compare the handwriting to the notes in the trunk. The autopsy report is signed "John H. Watson"
• Iris takes on the surname Watson/Wilson after confirming the handwriting on Klimt's autopsy report and the notes in the trunk were the same
• Iris begins writing and publishing The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes/Herlock Sholmes

✦ Summer
• Asougi Kazuma and Naruhodou Ryuunosuke's fated encounter at a speech contest

✦ May
The four name telegram from England is sent to Jigoku
✦ July 9
Randst Magazine #0 - Naruhodou Ryuunosuke charged for the crime of ignorance (gag, not canon)
✦ Autumn
• Iris finishes writing "The Hound of the Baskervilles." Sherlock forbids her from publishing it and promises to store it somewhere safe till it's the right time. He sends it to Mikotoba Yuujin in Japan to get an opinion on what to do with it during this time.
• Susato stumbles upon the title of "The Hound of the Baskervilles" in her father's study. Yuujin sends the manuscript back to Sherlock, which then ends up in the safe keeping of Pop Windibank.

Case 1-1: The Adventure of the Great Departure

✦ November 19
• John H. Watson murdered in La Quantos/La Carneval, a Western-themed restaurant
✦ November 22
• Naruhodou Ryuunosuke’s murder trial
• Naruhodou acquitted. Jezaille Brett to be sent to a British consulate.
Randst Magazine #1 - Tongue twisters (right after trial)

~Late November
• After being wrought with fever for a month, convict Selden passes away, leaving stolen "treasure" hidden in his lodgings.

✦ December 2
Asinine Attorney: Japan Episode (JP exclusive DLC) - cut top knot
~December 26
• Kazuma and Susato (and Ryuunosuke) leave Japan for England

✦ January 6
Randst Magazine #2 - Asougi Kazuma meets Sherlock Holmes/Herlock Sholmes on the SS Alclair/Burya

Case 1-2: The Adventure of the Unbreakable Speckled Band

✦ January 9
• Kazuma’s sudden accidental death. Ryuunosuke is blamed after being discovered as a stowaway.
• After proving his innocence, Ryuunosuke studies British law to be Kazuma’s replacement during the rest of the journey to England

Case 1-3: The Adventure of the Runaway Room

✦ February 18
• Ryuunosuke and Susato arrive in London
• Ryuunosuke accepts his first trial as a lawyer
• Barok van Zieks returns to the Old Bailey to prosecute Cosney Megundal/Magnus Mcgilded
"I realise that this is your first appearance in court as the accused. However...I am well aware of your involvement behind the scenes in a great many affairs of dubious nature. You're very adept at avoiding getting your own hands dirty. And each time it happens that a case you're involved in in investigated, you "adapt" the facts." —Barok van Zieks to McGilded
• McGilded torched to death shortly following his acquittal
• Naruhodou and Susato spend their first night in London at an upscale hotel after failing to find Holmes

Case 1-4: The Adventure of the Clouded Kokoro

✦ February 19
• Ryuunosuke and Susato arrive at 221B Baker Street for the first time. They take residence in the attic above Holmes' suite
✦ February 20
Soseki Natsume’s murder trial
• Soseki acquitted. Joan Garrideb arrested.

Case 2-2: The Memoirs of the Clouded Kokoro

✦ February 21
• Soseki accused of (attempted) murder again
✦ February 22
• Soseki’s 2nd trial starts (day 1)
✦ February 23
• Soseki acquitted again (day 2). William Shamspeare and Olive Green arrested.
Randst Magazine #6 - “Tsuki ga kirei desu ne…”
✦ February 24
• A large blood stained dog collar is found in Soseki’s, previously Selden's, lodgings

✦February 26
Randst Magazine #3 - Taxes

(Unknown date, but possibly February§)
Randst Magazine #8 - Bird trial

✦ March 5
Randst Magazine #5 - Naruhodou’s spending problem
✦ March 9
Randst Magazine #4 - Five orange pips

Case 1-5: The Adventure of the Unspeakable Story (The Hound of the Baskervilles)

✦ April 15
• Susato receives a telegram requesting for her return to Japan due to her father’s alleged failing health
• The redemption day for McGilded's items (2 month period)
✦ April 16
• Holmes shot at Windibank’s (he's fine, but Windibank ain’t)
✦ April 17
Gina Lestrade’s murder trial
• Gina acquitted, but serves jail time for lying under oath in Case 1-3. Ashley Greydon arrested.
• Ryuunosuke banned from practising law due to making the unavoidable choice of leaking government secrets during the trial
• Promptly after the trial of Gina Lestrade, Naruhodou, Holmes, and Iris rush to the Port of Dover to see Susato off
✦ April 18
• Naruhodou and Co. arrive at the port on time (5:32am)
• The mysterious telegram from Gina’s trial is revealed to be in Japanese morse code. It lists four names: "K. Asougi / A. Shinn / T. Gregson / J. [Watson/Wilson]"
• Susato leaves to return to Japan

✦ April 30
Randst Magazine #7 - The traveling shilling

✦ Unknown date but sometime during Naruhodou’s probation
• Asinine Attorney: London Episode (JP exclusive DLC) - stolen silver chalice
"I'm really sorry Iris-chan. I became a defence attorney specifically for times like this and yet, why did something like this have to happen after I was banned from defending in court?" —Naruhodou to Iris

✦ July/August
• Stronghart assigns a mysterious apprentice to Barok van Zieks

Case 2-1: The Adventure of the Blossoming Attorney

✦ August 11
Jezaille Brett (Asa Shinn) murdered
✦ August 13
Naruhodou Ryuutarou lawyer debut
Murasame Haori/Rei Membami’s murder trial
• Murasame acquitted. Heita Mamemomi/Raiten Menimemo arrested.
• Revelation that Kazuma’s body had gone missing at the port of Hong Kong

✦ August 30
• Naruhodou receives a letter from Susato detailing her exploits since returning to Japan and her suspicions of why she was called to repatriate

✦ September 11
• Jigoku and Mikotoba leave Japan for England to attend the International Forensic Science Symposium

Case 2-3 - The Return of the Great Departed Soul

✦ October 22
• The Great Exhibition
• After 6 months, Ryuunosuke is finally reinstated to practice law
"It crossed my mind recently...that it's been six months now. Since I was forbidden from working in court. So I've been wondering how much longer I'm going to be banned." —Naruhodou to Iris and Holmes
• News of Barok van Zieks (and disciple) ambushed in the daily paper
• Ryuunosuke meets a silent masked man in van Zieks’ office. He feels familiar.
• Gina revealed to have turned a new leaf after serving time (inspector apprenticeship under Tobias Gregson's tutelage)
✦ October 23
Benjamin Dobinbough/Albert Harebrayne murder trial (day 1)
• Susato returns to London, making a surprise appearance in court and just in time
• Susato and Ryuunosuke suspect the masked disciple is the late Asougi Kazuma. They don’t want to get their hopes up.
✦ October 24
• Harebrayne's trial continues (day 2)
• Masked Disciple joins Barok van Zieks in the trial
• The truth of Dr. Courtney Sithe’s involvement in the Professor case is revealed
• Harebrayne acquitted. Courtney Sithe and Enoch Drebber arrested.
• The Professor is revealed to be Kazuma’s father through the wax model from Esmeralda Tusspells'/Conette Rozaic's wax museum
• After seeing his father's face, Kazuma’s memories return. Following a brief reunion with Naruhodou and Susato, he cuts down his father's waxwork model and leaves.

✦ October 31
• Gregson and Kazuma board the SS Grouse to carry out a hit on Jigoku. Gregson is in the dark of Kazuma's actual reason for being partnered up (assassinate Gregson).
• Kazuma questions Gregson's involvement in the Professor case. Gregson refuses to answer, which enrages Kazuma, moving him to attack Gregson with Karuma. He barely holds back and misses, breaking off the tip of his sword, lodging it in Gregson's metal trunk.
• Kazuma aborts the mission and deboards at Dunkirk
• Gregson killed by Jigoku, finishing Kazuma's job. He stuffs his body in a suitcase.

Case 2-4: Twisted Karma and His Last Bow

✦ November 1
Jigoku (+suitcase) and Mikotoba arrive in London
• Barok van Zieks is found holding a gun with the body of Tobias Gregson in a small rented room on Fresno Street. Van Zieks taken into custody as the primary suspect of Gregson's murder
• Holmes finally begins to tell Naruhodou and Susato the truth of what happened to Kazuma on the SS Burya
• Kazuma returns to London
• With Stronghart's permission, Kazuma is to lead the prosecution in Barok van Zieks' trial.
✦ November 2
• Barok van Zieks’ murder trial (day 1). Kazuma begins his revenge against van Zieks.
• Daley Vigil recalls his traumatic memories of his (non)involvement of The Professor's jailbreak with the urging of Naruhodou and Asougi
• Holmes and Mikotoba board the SS Grouse to find and retrieve Jigoku (Jigoku is found in his own suitcase)

Case 2-5: The Resolve of Naruhodou Ryuunosuke

✦ November 3
• Van Zieks' trial continues (day 2)
• Due to the change in nature of the case, Mael Stronghart/Hart Vortex steps in to head the trial as judge
• Holmes and Mikotoba return to London with Jigoku in tow
✦ November 4
• Van Zieks' trial continues (day 3)
• Jigoku Seishiro declared guilty for the murder of Tobias Gregson
• Supplementary hearing for the accusation of Barok van Zieks as the head of the Reaper granted
• Truth of the Professor brought to light - Klimt is the true Professor, Genshin is guilty of killing solely Klimt
• The complete truth of The Reaper is brought to light
• Kazuma accepts the truth and looks past his vengeance to help expose and take down the actual Reaper (Stronghart).
Last will and testament of Klimt van Zieks found in the hilt of Karuma, hidden there a decade ago by Asougi Genshin, clued in by a poem Genshin wrote specifically to Kazuma
• Van Zieks has his world shattered after learning the truth of his brother, his most trusted friend, and the man he felt he owed the most to
• With the last minute intervention of Herlock Sholmes, Queen Victoria decrees Mael Stronghart to be removed from office immediately.
• Barok van Zieks is acquitted of murder and the accusation of heading the Reaper organisation. Stronghart arrested.
• Iris' birth father is revealed to be none other than Klimt van Zieks
✦ November 7
• Kazuma entrusts his family sword, Karuma, to Ryuunosuke ("A Japanese man's katana is his soul" echoes in the background)
• Naruhodou Ryuunosuke, Mikotoba Susato, and Mikotoba Yuujin leave England to return to Japan, leaving Asougi Kazuma under Barok van Zieks’ tutelage
• Naruhodou sets his eyes to help build the developing legal system in Japan

In the intro of Case 2-3, the narrator says, "The grand, end-of-the-century Great Exhibition of London — surely, there is not a soul who has failed to hear of it," and "Welcoming over fifty million visitors, the last great hurrah of this century", which is the basis of my claim that the majority of game's events take place in 1899 (+supports the rest of my calendar math). Though this isn't meant to be held fast, since historical events in the story do not align at all with real life.
(Case 2-4)
Mikotoba: "The birth of my daughter was the most joyous event of my life, but...Well, sadly it was accompanied by the most tragic event of my life, too. [...] The point is, I became rather less dependable than befits a grown man. And it was then Seishiro offered me the opportunity to study here in Great Britain."
Jigoku: "I was too worried about you to leave you behind. So perhaps I was a little heavy-handed when it came to persuading you to accompany me to London."
In his last will and testament, Klimt van Zieks writes, "However, six months ago, I took the life of a member of the House of Lords at the heart of the depravity." Klimt van Zieks in his will states, "I pen this, my last will and testament, in the final moments before my inevitable and willing death. The hour is 11 p.m. and I sit at my writing desk in my office; my good friend Asougi stands at my shoulder. He has expressed his intent to invoke the dying ritual of the duel, that I may depart this world with honour."
"Time of Death: 31st May, between 9:00 p.m. and midnight" —Klimt's autopsy report, conducted by Dr. Watson and penned by Mikotoba Yuujin
"You can't have forgotten, surely? It was last summer. At the speech contest." —Asougi to Naruhodou following his acquittal (Randst Magazine #1) In Case 2-3, Iris states, "It must be about an year ago now. I wrote a really long story based on some of my father's old notes. It's about Hurley's greatest exploits. I called it "The Hound of the Baskervilles"." Case 2-3 takes place during late October 1899, placing Iris finishing the manuscript probably sometime during the autumn of 1898. Susato says, "It was a short while before we left Japan. I was cleaning father's study and saw something on his writing desk." I'm guessing "a short while" would maybe be around 1-2 months, making it probably between November and December 1898. (Case 2-2)
"But before his sentence could be carried out, he died in prison. That was three months ago now." —Natsume Soseki speaking about Selden (mid-February).
"Condemned Criminal Dies of Natural Causes in Prison- Manchester's Strangeways Prison announced the death of convicted murderer and burglar Selden by natural causes in the early hours this morning. He had been suffering with fever since the end of October. Alerted by the shouts of his fellow cellmate, medical staff arrived to find him already dead, before his capital punishment could be carried out." —Newspaper clipping found in William Petenshy/Shamspeare's room
§ Unknown date, but van Zieks states, "The incident in question took place two days ago, late at night, when the ground was blanketed with snow." English winters typically span from December to February. Naruhodou and Mikotoba arrived in London in February. He's also still allowed to practise law, so this should be before his probation and during February. That or this is all just a hallucination lol "It came about three months ago. An unidentified Asian man was apprehended by border police. They found him hiding aboard a large goods vessel. He had no papers to identify him. No passport. And he was suffering from amnesia, too. Other than the fact that he was clearly of Eastern descent, there were no clues as to who he was. So I decided to assign him to Lord van Zieks. That way, I could keep an eye on him." —Mael Stronghart (Nov 1st, Case 2-4) "And that was the case that we found ourselves embroiled in six months ago now. Soseki-san did indeed return to Japan, and submitted a report about both cases to the government. It was on reading that report, that Professor Mikotoba was prompted to visit the scholar. And barely any time later, Susato-san was given the news that she must return to Japan as well...on the back of a telegram stating falsely that her father had fallen greatly ill. The only possible explanation that comes to what happened after the trial, on the following day. The day that we uncovered the 'loot', hidden by the now deceased convict on his former lodgings..." —Naruhodou (Case 2-2)

Notes:Some dates/info may be off/missing, so lmk if there’s anything amiss (@5231045_ on twitter or @5231045 on tumblr).I'm aware that the official website places the games in 1901-1902 via the case summaries' newspaper articles, but I'm choosing to disregard them because I'm only going off what is in the actual games.

Some tidbits:
- The original Great Exhibition was held from May 1st to October 15th, 1851. The original Crystal Tower was actually called the Crystal Palace, which burned down in 1936. Now sits a neighborhood with its namesake nearby.
- On the same newspaper page in The Dailly Circus where Drebber's graveyard account is published, there's an article about the eruption of Krakatoa. The newspaper was published in 1889 while real world history wise, the eruption happened in 1883.
- In addition to Krakatoa, an article about the Great Stink is seen on the same page. It was an event during July-August 1858 where hot weather worsened the terrible stench of untreated human waste and industrial runoff in the River Thames.

This has nothing to do with the timeline, but you're interested, I've collected some miscellaneous dgs related info hereIn depth info by others:

Last Edited: 2024 JANUARY 25

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